A Real Friend

A real friend would forgive
If I did something wrong
A real friend will lend a hand
Whenever I'm not strong

A real friend would listen
If I tried to speak
A real friend will accept
Whether I am strong or weak

A real friend would care
If I ever fell ill
A real friend will know
How I really feel

A real friend would always be there
If I need them by my side
A real friend will remember me
Long after I have died

A real friend would be forever
If I even moved away
A real friend will never truly leave
In each other's hearts we shall always stay

my friend.

do you know what is a best friend?
a best friend is a secret sharer,
a best friend is a great consultant,
a best friend is a comfort giver,
a best friend is like a diamond.
a best friend is always care,
a best friend is always share,
a best friend makes you smile,
a best friend is loving, caring, sweet and true
a best friend is someone just like you.
thanks for being my best friend for my lifetime.

A True Friend

A true friend is the one who picks you up when you fall
A true friend is one that won't lie
A true friend is there when you call
A true friend is there when you want to die
A true friend knows just what to say
A true friend won't care what other people think
A true friend will help you find your way
A true friend will make sure you don't sink
A true friend will help you choose your path
A true friend will know when something is wrong
A true friend has to sometimes face your wrath
A true friend makes you feel like you belong
A true friend
